Send output to:
Data X:
Names of X columns:
Endogenous Variable (Column Number) 
Number of categories (only if categorization<>none) 
Cross-Validation? (only if categorization<>none) 
Chart options
R Code

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Input view raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time0 seconds
R ServerBig Analytics Cloud Computing Center
R Framework
error message
Warning: there are blank lines in the 'Data X' field.
Please, use NA for missing data - blank lines are simply
 deleted and are NOT treated as missing values.
R Engine
error message
Error in list(210907, 56, 30, 145, 0, 120982, 56, 28, 101, 0, 176508,  : 
  argument 411 is empty
Calls: array
Execution halted

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