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Data X:
70.80 70.94 69.60 70.61 69.87 68.61 67.47 68.28 67.60 67.61 67.13 65.61 66.27 68.94 66.73 67.28 68.07 64.94 67.80 67.94 64.80 64.94 64.60 65.94 64.20 66.61 64.20 64.61 63.67 63.94 61.00 64.61 59.67 63.61 59.67 62.94 59.80 62.94 60.73 63.61 59.40 61.61 58.07 63.61 57.47 60.28 70.73 57.94 72.87 62.94 66.00 53.61 66.07 75.61 66.00 74.61 66.27 73.28 64.00 70.28 63.67 70.28 63.73 67.61 63.33 69.61 63.53 68.61 63.53 68.28 62.87 65.94 59.53 67.94 62.80 68.94 60.80 65.94 59.80 66.28 56.67 65.61 57.67 67.94 58.40 65.61 55.47 66.61 56.20 63.94 71.53 63.61 68.67 65.94 65.67 62.94 66.73 62.28 67.33 60.94 66.73 63.94 66.87 62.28 65.80 61.28 64.73 61.94 65.47 62.94 63.60 59.61 64.07 60.28 64.67 59.94 63.73 57.61 62.53 57.94 61.93 55.28 62.67 51.28 62.80 8.61 61.33 74.28 62.60 72.94 59.13 71.94 61.27 70.28 59.47 69.94 57.87 69.94 59.73 67.94 61.40 67.94 58.80 68.28 58.33 66.28 57.47 66.28 57.13 65.94 55.00 65.94 51.53 67.61 72.73 65.28 73.00 66.61 70.80 64.61 70.07 64.61 71.67 64.94 71.07 61.94 70.67 62.61 70.73 62.28 70.73 61.61 68.60 60.94 69.60 62.28 66.47 59.61 67.07 59.94 68.67 58.94 66.93 60.61 65.93 59.28 68.87 59.28 66.53 58.94 65.80 58.61 66.60 53.28 66.00 52.61 65.00 53.94 66.80 47.94 65.60 10.61 66.00 7.28 65.67 70.94 64.67 71.61 65.07 69.61 64.67 70.28 65.07 69.94 65.20 70.94 64.87 69.94 63.47 69.28 62.60 68.94 64.07 70.94 63.73 67.94 64.67 67.61 61.60 67.94 61.60 67.61 60.47 67.94 61.27 67.28 63.00 65.94 61.47 65.61 60.87 64.94 61.67 64.28 62.87 65.94 62.40 65.61 59.73 62.94 60.13 64.61 58.80 63.94 59.60 63.61 58.93 63.94 60.13 65.28 58.20 65.28 58.27 64.28 58.27 64.28 55.07 62.94 53.87 62.61 52.33 62.28 47.20 60.61 37.93 58.94 72.73 59.61 70.07 58.28 70.67 56.94 72.07 48.28 68.80 69.94 68.80 69.28 67.47 70.61 66.73 68.28 66.53 66.61 66.00 65.61 67.60 67.28 66.00 67.94 66.00 66.28 66.53 65.61 65.80 68.94 64.27 66.94 64.67 68.28 64.60 65.28 64.13 64.94 65.47 63.94 62.93 64.61 63.53 60.94 62.13 60.94 63.87 58.61 64.67 55.28 63.33 55.28 63.13 51.28 62.80 72.28 62.40 69.28 62.40 68.28 62.60 68.28 61.47 68.28 62.20 66.28 63.00 65.28 61.80 64.28 59.73 64.28 60.33 66.28 60.13 64.28 59.53 63.28 59.00 65.28 55.93 64.28 41.87 64.28 36.33 62.28 71.67 62.28 71.47 64.28 70.47 62.28 69.53 63.28 70.73 60.28 69.93 58.28 68.73 55.28 67.53 51.28
Names of X columns:
pment nopment
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Column number for the second variable
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R Code
par2 <- as.numeric(par2) par3 <- as.numeric(par3) x <- t(y) load(file='createtable') a<-table.start() a <- table.row.start(a) a <- table.element(a,'Kolmogorov_Smirnov Test',3,TRUE) a <- table.row.end(a) a <- table.row.start(a) a <- table.element(a,'',1,TRUE) a <- table.element(a,'Statistic',1,TRUE) a <- table.element(a,'P-value',1,TRUE) a <- table.row.end(a) D <- ks.test(x[,par2],x[,par3],alternative=par1) a<-table.row.start(a) a<-table.element(a,'K-S Test',1,TRUE) a<-table.element(a,signif(D$statistic[[1]], digits=5) ) a<-table.element(a,signif(D$p.value, digits =5) ) a<-table.row.end(a) a<-table.end(a),file='') a<-table.start() a <- table.row.start(a) a <- table.element(a,'Means of Data Distributions ',3,TRUE) a <- table.row.end(a) a <- table.row.start(a) a <- table.element(a,'Mean 1',1,TRUE) a <- table.element(a,'Mean 2',1,TRUE) a <- table.element(a,'Difference',1,TRUE) a <- table.row.end(a) a<-table.row.start(a) a<-table.element(a,signif(mean(x[,par2]), digits=5),1) a<-table.element(a,signif(mean(x[,par3]), digits=5),1) a<-table.element(a,signif( (mean(x[,par2])- mean(x[,par3])), digits=5),1) a<-table.row.end(a) a<-table.end(a),file='')
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