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x <-sort(x[!]) q1 <- function(data,n,p,i,f) { np <- n*p; i <<- floor(np) f <<- np - i qvalue <- (1-f)*data[i] + f*data[i+1] } q2 <- function(data,n,p,i,f) { np <- (n+1)*p i <<- floor(np) f <<- np - i qvalue <- (1-f)*data[i] + f*data[i+1] } q3 <- function(data,n,p,i,f) { np <- n*p i <<- floor(np) f <<- np - i if (f==0) { qvalue <- data[i] } else { qvalue <- data[i+1] } } q4 <- function(data,n,p,i,f) { np <- n*p i <<- floor(np) f <<- np - i if (f==0) { qvalue <- (data[i]+data[i+1])/2 } else { qvalue <- data[i+1] } } q5 <- function(data,n,p,i,f) { np <- (n-1)*p i <<- floor(np) f <<- np - i if (f==0) { qvalue <- data[i+1] } else { qvalue <- data[i+1] + f*(data[i+2]-data[i+1]) } } q6 <- function(data,n,p,i,f) { np <- n*p+0.5 i <<- floor(np) f <<- np - i qvalue <- data[i] } q7 <- function(data,n,p,i,f) { np <- (n+1)*p i <<- floor(np) f <<- np - i if (f==0) { qvalue <- data[i] } else { qvalue <- f*data[i] + (1-f)*data[i+1] } } q8 <- function(data,n,p,i,f) { np <- (n+1)*p i <<- floor(np) f <<- np - i if (f==0) { qvalue <- data[i] } else { if (f == 0.5) { qvalue <- (data[i]+data[i+1])/2 } else { if (f < 0.5) { qvalue <- data[i] } else { qvalue <- data[i+1] } } } } lx <- length(x) qval <- array(NA,dim=c(99,8)) mystep <- 25 mystart <- 25 if (lx>10){ mystep=10 mystart=10 } if (lx>20){ mystep=5 mystart=5 } if (lx>50){ mystep=2 mystart=2 } if (lx>=100){ mystep=1 mystart=1 } for (perc in seq(mystart,99,mystep)) { qval[perc,1] <- q1(x,lx,perc/100,i,f) qval[perc,2] <- q2(x,lx,perc/100,i,f) qval[perc,3] <- q3(x,lx,perc/100,i,f) qval[perc,4] <- q4(x,lx,perc/100,i,f) qval[perc,5] <- q5(x,lx,perc/100,i,f) qval[perc,6] <- q6(x,lx,perc/100,i,f) qval[perc,7] <- q7(x,lx,perc/100,i,f) qval[perc,8] <- q8(x,lx,perc/100,i,f) } bitmap(file='test1.png') myqqnorm <- qqnorm(x,col=2) qqline(x) grid() load(file='createtable') a<-table.start() a<-table.row.start(a) a<-table.element(a,'Percentiles - Ungrouped Data',9,TRUE) a<-table.row.end(a) a<-table.row.start(a) a<-table.element(a,'p',1,TRUE) a<-table.element(a,hyperlink('', 'Weighted Average at Xnp',''),1,TRUE) a<-table.element(a,hyperlink('','Weighted Average at X(n+1)p',''),1,TRUE) a<-table.element(a,hyperlink('','Empirical Distribution Function',''),1,TRUE) a<-table.element(a,hyperlink('','Empirical Distribution Function - Averaging',''),1,TRUE) a<-table.element(a,hyperlink('','Empirical Distribution Function - Interpolation',''),1,TRUE) a<-table.element(a,hyperlink('','Closest Observation',''),1,TRUE) a<-table.element(a,hyperlink('','True Basic - Statistics Graphics Toolkit',''),1,TRUE) a<-table.element(a,hyperlink('','MS Excel (old versions)',''),1,TRUE) a<-table.row.end(a) for (perc in seq(mystart,99,mystep)) { a<-table.row.start(a) a<-table.element(a,round(perc/100,2),1,TRUE) for (j in 1:8) { a<-table.element(a,round(qval[perc,j],6)) } a<-table.row.end(a) } a<-table.end(a),file='')
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Computing time
1 seconds
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Big Analytics Cloud Computing Center
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